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  • Inflatable Planetarium

As you can see below we have and operate TWO very different designs of Inflatable planetarium.

They both have pluses and minuses and we use them for different types of show!

Our Inflatable Planetarium delivers interactive, immersive shows which teach children and adults all about the incredible world of Astronomy, space and some History too.

So what is an inflatable planetarium?

A traditional Planetarium is a large fixed structure which people travel to, to watch and learn about space. they hold over 100 people on average.  An inflatable or mobile planetarium replicates this idea with smaller numbers. The major difference that it can be easily transported to places where YOU are, a typical example being a school, museum or event! as you can see here Our Planetarium has been to many interesting places over the years.

The biggest difference is in the content shown. We do not try to compete with 'fixed Planetaria', we can't, aside form the name fixed and Inflatable/Mobile Planetaria should provide very different services. We do show some material that can be seen in fixed installations, but we write our own material too, it is Unique to us, and we show YOU what YOU want, as opposed to visiting a planetarium and seeing what they are showing that day!. 

Who are inflatable planetariums for?

They are perfect schools, museums, events and other groups. Their popularity comes from a few main reasons;

  1. The experience that visitors who come to the planetarium have is fantastic. You enter a large inflated dome which is completely dark and then enjoy an 'IMAX' like learning experience that takes you on a journey of discovery! Most visitors report about what an incredible experience it was.

  2. Secondly, it is easy to arrange. You don't have the worry arranging travel, tickets, food, insurance etc and Staffing. You simply  arrange for the planetarium to come and then organise groups to enjoy the shows.

  3. The price of a planetarium visiting you is a great deal cheaper than you visiting fixed planetarium. The price per child for a mobile planetarium visiting a school is around £2. The price to take a child on a coach and then into a fixed planetarium would be around £10 to £15 depending on age and distance travelled. 

What is a typical show like? Portable Planetarium

We have delivered Inflatable Planetarium shows to all types of schools, including nurseries, primary, secondary and SEND,since 2002, as well as scout groups and other civic events. We can visit for a morning, afternoon, evening or a full day (sometimes plus the evening) whatever you wish.

On arrival, we will set up our Inflatable planetarium follow the agreed timetable of shows (this can be arranged at the time of our visit, as we are very flexible). Groups will come to the planetarium and be taken inside by the presenter who will lead an spectacular show designed specifically for the group. We have many different types of show Most are Unique to us and which can be adapted to meet the needs of all out various audiences,

How long can I book the Inflatable planetarium for?

coverageIf you are a school you can book us for either a half or a full day, and we offer a discount on multi day bookings. We will communicate with you in advance to arrange the length and types of the show where possible. Here you can find out more about our location and other astronomy places of interest.

How does the Inflatable planetarium stay inflated?Mobile Planetarium

Air, that is ALL! Transported in a Bag like a Tent, It is inflated by a large fan. The air pressure inside holds it's shape and gravity (its weight) holds it down! The inside of the dome is made from a material which is designed to be projected on, when in total darkness, you really feel you are in space. We can take down our Inflatable Planetarium during lunchtimes in required to (many operators do not like doing this).

How many people can come into the dome at any given time?

Mobile Planetarium LibraryOur dome can accommodate 35 roughly in the dome at once (designed for a Primary class plus teachers). But there is some flexibility in this number age and size. The dome is very easy to access, we regularly have wheelchairs without any issue enjoying our shows. 

We have visited over 2000 different schools and given over 12,000 shows to over 400,000 people since we started. You can be 100% assured we know exactly what we are doing.

And remember,

We work WITH YOU, not tell you what you can have. We pride ourselves of Flexibility and Price!

inflatable planetarium

Our main Inflatable Planetarium for schools and indoor events is our ZIP entranced dome.

It is extremely accessible and SEND friendly, and ha s a truly superb projection surface.

It can be taken down and the whole gear packed into a couple of square metres if needed at lunchtime

However is is impossible to clean if it gets dirty, and it deflates during entrance and exit of the audience.

Inflatable Planetarium
Inflatable Planetarium

Our 'Tunnel' entrance dome is mainly used for events when it is an a marquee.

It is slightly heavier, and less effected by wind in a marquee, the tunnel means you can enter and exit without the dome deflating.

However it is much harder to get wheelchairs into the dome, likewise people using sticks and frames.

AND some children find the tunnel 'scary'. We do light the tunnel to make it a space in itself, to try and solve this issue.

One downside of the design of Inflatable Planetariums is they cannot be placed in the open air, they blow over, turn into a very expensive kite, and then maybe even fly off!

You can get a rigid plastic geodesic style dome, with a tent suspended inside, but they take days to erect, need a team to put up, are very expensive and to our knowledge there are no UK operators with one

Portable Planetarium
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